This is my brother-in-law Ace. He volunteered to carve the turkey. See how much happier he looks once we told him he could use a knife!
Check out Ace now after eating his handiwork. Good job, Ace! From the left, around the table, my sister-in-law, Ileen, The Turkey Carver, Grandma Whipple, brother-in-law Shirland (other half to Ileen and DoJo's brother), my niece Becky, and Tonya (Ace's other half and DoJo's sister.) After dinner, Ileen taught us a fun dice game called Yoink. Lots of fun, but when playing with teenagers you need body armor!
This is my niece Kyra. She's Shirland and Ileen's oldest. Kyra is 15 or 16 (You know how us old folks are with numbers!) and complained about being bored, so she exchanged phone numbers with Uncle DoJo and they spent some time texting. Poor kid! Even I don't exchange texts with the big guy! At one point in the day I handed her my camera. The following is a glimpse of a Whipple Thanksgiving from Kyra's point-of-view.
The teenage boy is Justin, Shirland and Ileen's second child. My granddaughters were enamored with him. He reminded me a lot of a young and pesky Shirland. The fake mouse in the foreground was Justin's prank of the day. Everyone had to deal with the mouse at some point. To Justin's right is Heather (Ace and Tonya's daughter), and next to her is my beloved Kourtney.
Don't ask me why, but teenagers like to take pictures that are "askew". I've even noticed some highschool senior portraits taken from this angle. If you are younger than 25, you probaby get it, but if you are an adult, just tilt your head to the left to "get it". From the left, around the table: Heather Pooh-Cakes Bailey, My Beloved Kourtney, My Sweet Alexis, and Darling Nicole Whipple (Shirland and Ileen's youngest). You can see the top of Trenton's head. Trenton belongs to Ace and Tonya.
Here is a shot of Trenton. He is currently sporting quite a shiner, obtained, he claims, in a game of touch football. Sheesh! Kids in Arizona must be tough! What kind of touch are we talking about here?
And last, but not least, Becky (formerly Whipple) and Noah Coleman. Becky and Noah are newly weds, married last May one week before KK and Reed. This was Noah's expression when we explained to him the sleeping arrangements at Grandma's. Since he was the newest member of the family present, his choice was between the mattress leaning against the wall behind the kids' table or sleep at my house. He chose my house. Good choice, Noah! These two kiddos are a treat to be around. They are best friends besides being in love. I love that about them. Good choice, Becky! These are just a few of my favorite things, and just a smidgen of all that I have to be thankful for this year.
Wow it looks like you guys had a great Thanksgiving. I'm not sure if Kaitlin told you but I was able to see her up in Idaho and spend some time with her and Reed. I was so excited.